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Chanchal Banga | The Tiger is Coming

The ongoing installation "The Tiger is Coming!" examines the socio-cultural status of the artist Chanchel Banga, between India and Israel, through a multi-media installation that includes video sculpture and several performances, in which the audience walked between fairy tales, myths, and values that build Chanchal's personal identity versus the collective one.

It raises questions of identity, criticizes the effects of mass migration, borderline games of opening and closing and playing with human life. Chanchal also personally questions his own status in relation to the art establishment both in Israel and in India.

Love and Sex notes stock on the toilet's walls in Indian's trains as an act that undermines the marriage establishment in India, fairy tales intimidating children or the chapati (Indian pita) as a socio-political metaphor, all of these, among others, make up the multi-media. One can look at this artistic move as an "artistic journal" that evokes in its various parts childhood memories mixed with local prohibitions and myths, which have a different perception in Indian and Israeli culture.

Photography: Daniel Hanoch, Avi Yehuda, Sharon Toval, Chanchal Banga

installation view (by Daniel Hanoch)

installation view (by Daniel Hanoch)

installation view (by Daniel Hanoch)

Installation view details (by Sharon Toval)

The Jatra performance is taken from the Bengalese Theatre

Installation view details (by Sharon Toval)

Photos by Avi Yehuda - Chanchal Banga and Igal Myrtenbaum perform the O Ra Majhi ceremony


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