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Yael Bronner Rubin | Sham^Sham: Be longing

What happens when Jewish and Chinese rituals meet in the mind of a multidisciplinary artist? Yael Bronner Rubin, has lived in Hong Kong for a number of years since graduating with a MFA, creating entire series influenced by the two cultures she has absorbed in her life. Yael creates "SHAM^SHAM" which in Chinese means "the rising sun" - East - a continuous multimedia installation, which will take place throughout the month of March in The Lab.

This is not an exhibition but an artistic move consisting of a number of events, ceremonies, sound interventions by the sound genius Nir Jacob Younessi, along with performance by the dancer Esti Pontinsky, make-up ceremonies with The Lab's artists, and the opening of several peepholes for the general public.

Yael's artistic research traces the existence of the experiment in art, examining boundaries in the face of an evolving occurrence, while examining words such as belonging, continuity and longing. "Sham^Sham" is not a place, but an artistic state of buoyancy between the spiritual and the material, which places the audience perhaps a little confused but that is the price when examining boundaries.

The works on display will change every day and will be selected from the archive created by an artist in space, a kind of "holy ark" of the show.

The first days of the setup were inspired by the 3 days of Genesis, from the Bible. Iמ the first day Yael created the light in the space, in the second day she brought all the objects to build her art archive from which we curate everyday a new exhibit. ON the third day she installed all the plants as a part of the performances design. Here are 3 videos about the 3 first days at the lab:

Day One - Creation of the light - "ויהי אור"

Day Two - Separation of light and darkness - "ויבדיל בין אור לחושך"

Day Three- Creation of the plants and abundance - "ותדשא הארץ דשא"

Day Four - Creation of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars

Day Five - Creation of the Animals and beginning of Life

Day Six - Creation of the Female Eve and Human Being as a Species

Some images of the continuous process itself :

All the sound performances and the video sound mix are designed by Nir Jacob Younessi. His inspiration draws from the oriental, Asian and western sounds, rhythmic from underground clubbing houses. All creates a merged sound of human being-ness, sounds of earth.

During the first two weekends of her project, Yael is inviting some the The Lab artists to integrate and create with her some performances, submerging them into her continuous installation.

Here's Inbal Marie Cohen after her amazing session with Yael:

Some of Yael's plate and a Couscous food that was prepared by Inbal: combination of two Orients, the Moroccan and the Chinese:

Eyal Segal was also participating with Yael in several actions between performance and photography :

Artist Moran Asraf into the Sham Sham

Artist Avner Sher into the Sham Sham

Portraits of Maskit Golan, Dan Allon and Nir Jacob Younessi (From left to right)

Yael herself was make-up like the Chinese Theatre tradition:

The project was a meditative one from all aspects physically and metaphysically speaking.


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